Sunday, July 29, 2012


My journey on the "dirt road" to health and wellness began with a book.  In June, I came across Thea Singer's book, "Stress Less". This book is a gold mine of widsom with the full scientific explanation of why stress ages us and what we can do about it.  One of her number one key ideas for slowing down aging is reducing our stress. Stress takes its toll on us, our bodies, our brains, and affects us right at the cellular level.  As I read the pages of her book, the story was sounding too familiar.  I have definitely let myself become a victim to the stresses of work and motherhood.  "You're only as old as you feel". Well lately I have felt like I was 101!

Whatever changes we can make to reduce the stress in our busy and hectic lives will be a great step for the health of our individual cells and our health.  Singer says that adults should have at least two hours and thirty minyutes of moderate aerobic activity per week.  This is one take away from her book that I have implemented over the past 29 days.

My commitment to exercising one hour a day has finally become a habit.  I am very conscientious about getting in a minimum of one hour of aerobic activity. I alternate the intensity of my walk/runs each day- easy, hard.  Most of my exercise has been on the country road that runs right past my house. In the past, I used to stress about getting in a run of so many miles and sticking to a regimented training program.  For the past month, I have focused only on the goal of one hour.  Completing the one hour of exercise in any manner that suits me on any given day.

Today my one hour took me on a long walk up the dirt road.  The focus - live in the moment and enjoy the beauty of nature surrounding me...on the dirt road.

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