Sunday, July 29, 2012


My journey on the "dirt road" to health and wellness began with a book.  In June, I came across Thea Singer's book, "Stress Less". This book is a gold mine of widsom with the full scientific explanation of why stress ages us and what we can do about it.  One of her number one key ideas for slowing down aging is reducing our stress. Stress takes its toll on us, our bodies, our brains, and affects us right at the cellular level.  As I read the pages of her book, the story was sounding too familiar.  I have definitely let myself become a victim to the stresses of work and motherhood.  "You're only as old as you feel". Well lately I have felt like I was 101!

Whatever changes we can make to reduce the stress in our busy and hectic lives will be a great step for the health of our individual cells and our health.  Singer says that adults should have at least two hours and thirty minyutes of moderate aerobic activity per week.  This is one take away from her book that I have implemented over the past 29 days.

My commitment to exercising one hour a day has finally become a habit.  I am very conscientious about getting in a minimum of one hour of aerobic activity. I alternate the intensity of my walk/runs each day- easy, hard.  Most of my exercise has been on the country road that runs right past my house. In the past, I used to stress about getting in a run of so many miles and sticking to a regimented training program.  For the past month, I have focused only on the goal of one hour.  Completing the one hour of exercise in any manner that suits me on any given day.

Today my one hour took me on a long walk up the dirt road.  The focus - live in the moment and enjoy the beauty of nature surrounding me...on the dirt road.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Moose on the Loose!

Well here's one way to add a little speed to a workout! 

My one our workout began as normal with me setting my "Walk Tracker Pro" app for a one hour workout.  With my favourite playlist going, I was set to burn some calories.  About 30 minutes in, I decided that I was feeling strong and that today was the day to add some running. 

Picking up the pace and adding a bounce to my stride, I felt great.  I was running, albeit a slow jog but I was getting lift off, air time = run.  As I inched my way up the dirt road and to the top of my "killer hill", I still felt spectacular.  My little baby jog steps held steady as I took on the down hill with only about half a mile to go to my turn around point.

Looking to my left, I was startled and stopped dead in my tracks - a moose and her baby looking directly at me.  No sooner had we noticed each other when the two moose decide to run full tilt toward me!  With less than 80 meters between us, I did not wait to see how this was all going to play out.  Time for some speed work.  Without a word of a lie, I turned around,  I sprinted up "killer hill" and made tracks out of there as fast as I could.  I sprinted for as long as my short, stubby legs would carry me.  When my breath out was greater than my breath in and I was no longer getting the oxygen I needed to sustain this ridiculous pace, I walked - backward.  I watched nervously for two moose on a mission to charge toward me.  Of course this didn't happen, but now I was brave enough to have my camera out to take a picture just in case!

Anyway here is a picture of my dirt road sans moose.  I can't wait to see what adventures await me tomorrow on my dirt road.

Please feel free to comment on my experience. Have you had a similar experience? Do you think the moose were after me?  Shall I run this dirt road again tomorrow?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Change Number 1

The first thing that I am determined to change is my sedentary lifestyle.  Suzanne Somers' boo "Breakthrough" states that being active helps to slow our aging process right down to the cellular level.  Also, "Stress Less" by Thea Singer supports this hypothesis.  Exercise is a natural way to reduce stress and all of the damage it does to our cells.  Healthy cells, healthy person! 

I decided that walking for one hour per day would help me get back into exercising.  I used to run but have found myself to be quite winded by running only a block or two.  Over the next couple of months, I hope to get my "mojo" back and be able to jog a couple of miles. 

I began my walking program two weeks ago and I am pleased to report that this is almost habit for me now. I loaded "Walk Tracker Pro" onto my iPhone and use it to set my workout goal, monitor my speed and distance and listen to music!  I highly recommend this app, it is very motivating, I love it! Walking down the gravel road with my dog and my iPhone has become not just exercise but a mental break for me.  Surprisingly, I have not been sore only tired.

My mileage on my one hour walks has improved slightly.  I have not lost any weight but I have not really tried to change my eating habits yet.......

Goals and Gravel - Part 1

In my younger days, I used to be a pretty decent athlete. Cross country running, badminton and athletics used to be my passions!  After launching a teaching career,  getting married to a farmer and having two kids....that part of me disappeared.  My high stress job is taking its toll on me.  The business of life has left me tired, unmotivated, at least 20 pounds overweight and somewhat depressed by it all. 

Living in the country on a farm has a way of isolating a person.  It has made it difficult for me to develop a support system for my health goals.  I have decided to blog about my weight loss plan and progress.
My mother is battling breast cancer and I see how this nasty disease is affecting her.  I know that there are many lifestyle changes that one can make to reduce the risk of brease cancer.  I am ready to make some drastic changes to improve my health, reduce my risk of disease and enhance my quality of life. The changes I am trying to make are based on three key books that I have just read:  "Stress Less", "Breakthrough" by Suzanne Somers and "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joe Fuhrman. 

This blog will serve as a firsthand account of the work I am doing to achieve the following long term goals:

1) reduce stress

2) lose 20 pounds

3) change my eating habits (80% - 90% vegetarian diet)

4) exercised for one hour per day

5) sleep for a minimum of 7 hours per night

6) supplement my diet with minerals and vitamins that are lacking

My number one goal is to be healthier which will ultimately help me to handle stress better and slow down the terrible aging process!