Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Age Control?

After some serious reflection on Suzanne Somers book, "Breakthrough", I have decided that maybe taking a few supplements might be worth the effort.  One supplement mentioned in her book is resveratrol.  I have heard much talk about the benefits of the resveratrol found in red wine.  Dr. Oz has made many comments about this miracle compound on his show. (animation - From preventing blood clots to slowing the aging process, this compound can really contribute to an individual's overall health and well-being.  I have often quoted these health benefits to justify my daily glass or two of red wine!  Note, white wine does not contain significant amounts of resveratrol.  Resveratrol is loaded with antioxidants which are great for fighting free radicals in our damaged cells. 

According to my research, resveratrol is safe and effective in doses from 250 - 2000 mg, but as always, check with your doctor before taking any medications. I just picked up a bottle of resveratrol for about $20 for 60 tablets.  The dosing is 1 - 3 tablets per day so taking this supplement could get quite pricey.You cannot really get enough resveratrol from drinking red wine alone.  Women should only drink about one small glass of red wine a day for health benefits. This is results in an inadequate supply of resveratrol.  The brand I bought only offers 50 mg of resveratrol per tablet with a maximum dosage of 3 per day.  The product specifies that one tablet is equivalent to the amount of resveratrol in six glasses of red wine!!

Anyway, look me up in 40 years and we will see if this supplement does the trick for an old dog like me trying to get healthier somewhere along the dirt road.....

(note - this is the only brand available to me in my locality, other brands may be more effective)